Wednesday, August 8, 2012

D.I.Y. Mod Podge

Okay, so pretty much everyone has seen the recipe for do it yourself mod podge. I just thought it would be a good idea to record my experience in making it. Mod podge company must be wanting to kill someone because people learned they didn't need to spent 20 bucks on glue. In fact, I bought two things of Elmer's glue for $1 at Wal-mart since it is getting close to back to school time.

What you'll need: 
Elmer's Glue
Container for mod podge

Yep, that's it!

For my container I plan on using an empty pickle jar. I don't really know how well it will hold up, but it seemed like a good use for it.

So all you do is fill your bottle up halfway with glue. Then halfway with water.

Shake, stir, do what you have to to mix it.
And there you go! Mod podge everything! I even mod podged some fabric onto the jar and put some vinyl letters on it for a label. So you know it works great! I can't wait to get started on some awesome projects. Feel free to post links to your mod podge projects down below!

1 comment:

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